WorkSafe Injury Hotspots


WorkSafe Injury Hotspots - Responsive Website   Injury statistics and practical solutions The Injury Hotspots tool allows users to discover workplace injury statistics for their industry or occupation. It offers practical solutions for preventing these injuries, including tips and links to best practice guides produced by WorkSafe as well as OHS [...]

WorkHealth – Website


The WorkHealth initiative (2012) is all about improving the health and wellbeing of Victorian workers and enabling employers to create safe, health promoting workplaces. Building on WorkSafe Victoria's strong record of ensuring all Victorian workers return home safe each day, WorkHealth aims to promote health, safety and resilience for Victorian workers to enjoy a [...]

The Skeleton Project – Website


In The Skeleton Project, three Victorian CEO's go 'undercover' in their workplaces to better understand safety from their workers' perspectives and explore the role workplace culture plays in creating a safe working environment. The brief was to create a multimedia driven experience which supports the TVC and radio in captivating the undercover boss experience. This [...]

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