WorkSafe Injury Hotspots


WorkSafe Injury Hotspots - Responsive Website   Injury statistics and practical solutions The Injury Hotspots tool allows users to discover workplace injury statistics for their industry or occupation. It offers practical solutions for preventing these injuries, including tips and links to best practice guides produced by WorkSafe as well as OHS [...]

Accident Compensation Conciliation Service – Website


The Accident Compensation Conciliation Service (ACCS) is a statutory body established under the Accident Compensation Act 1985. The ACCS provides an independent service that uses the principles of Alternative Dispute Resolution to resolve workers compensation disputes in Victoria. The ACCS facilitates the resolution of disputes by involving all parties - Workers, Employers and WorkSafe Agents or [...]

WorkSafe Health and Safety Month – Website


WorkSafe's health and safety month is an annual event dedicated to bringing safety's best advocates together providing at an event which provides advice and education and keeping Victorians safe at work and helping them return to work if they are injured. WorkSafe Health and Safety Month has taken on many guises throughout the years as [...]

Perfect Skin and Beauty – Website


Perfect Skin and Beauty is a personalised beauty salon based in Melbourne's idyllic leafy suburb of Hawthorn, presenting luxurious personalised beauty treatments that provide you with the ultimate in skin care. Steve Wardle is a partner in this business, and his role in this business is pretty extensive and includes but not limited to; marketing and [...]

Orange Sock Foundation – Website


The Orange Sock Foundation (OSF) aims to assist those who have been affected by workplace or traffic accidents. The key purposes of the organisation are to: Promote and foster a support network for those who have sustained injuries as a result of workplace or traffic incidents; Encourage and support linking with both peer and professional support for [...]

WorkSafe Publications Search – Website


The "Knowledge Centre" was a project to improve and streamline the search for information on the WorkSafe website, by supplying accessible content and reducing the need for PDF. As with a lot of Government departments, the vast majority of WorkSafe's important public information is produced and stored in PDF's. Information such as publications, health and safety [...]

The Skeleton Project – Website


In The Skeleton Project, three Victorian CEO's go 'undercover' in their workplaces to better understand safety from their workers' perspectives and explore the role workplace culture plays in creating a safe working environment. The brief was to create a multimedia driven experience which supports the TVC and radio in captivating the undercover boss experience. This [...]

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